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Ask the Superintendent


Thank you for contacting the Office of the Superintendent.

   This form is for parents, students, staff, and the Wilkinson County community to offer input, questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns to the Office of the Superintendent. Your submission may be routed to the appropriate office or department to provide you with a timely response.   

Thank you for your submission. 

What would you like to submit?required
Attach up to 3 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Allowed file types: Image, Video, Document
If applicable, please add an attachment.
Tell Us Who You Are:requiredPlease select one or more.
Please select one or more.

How can we contact you? 

To receive a personalized response, please enter your name and at least one contact method. If you leave this section blank, we cannot respond to your message directly.


First Name
Last Name