The Wilkinson County School District implemented an Early Release Schedule on Mondays during the 2019-2020 school year for the purpose of teacher collaboration time.
Research provides a strong rationale for regular collaboration time that allows teachers to engage in student data analysis and instructional planning to meet all students' educational, social, and emotional needs. Further, our schools are tasked with implementing the state Standards and preparing for Georgia statewide assessments. While all our schools have made significant gains in student achievement over the past several years, that success is the direct result of educators working collaboratively to improve instruction.
However, we have much more to accomplish and recognize that providing dedicated, consistent time for teachers to work collaboratively (on continuous classroom improvement) is imperative for our student's success. We understand that the early release schedule on Mondays may present challenges for some families. We appreciate the efforts on your behalf to help our district continue to improve.
We recognize that time devoted to collaborative work results in improved student achievement and we appreciate the support from our families to provide this opportunity for our professional educators and ultimately, for our students.
Please see the Professional Learning Monday dates below for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
August 12 | December 9 |
August 26 | February 3 |
September 16 | March 10 |
September 30 | March 24 |
October 28 | April 21 |
November 11 | May 5 |
All students will be dismissed early on the dates listed above. Students at the primary/elementary schools will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. Students at the middle/high school will be dismissed at 1:15 PM.
WCSD Early Release Days and Professional Learning Communities Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)