District Information
Welcome to Wilkinson County Schools! Located in Irwinton, Georgia, we serve over 1,100 students from Pre-K through 12th grade. Our mission is to develop students into competent builders of a globally competitive future. As Warriors, we are committed to expanding horizons, empowering minds, and excelling together. Join us in fostering a community of excellence and preparing our students to be tomorrow's leaders.
District Vision Statement
Making Students Competent Builders
of a Globally Competitive Future
District Mission Statement
Expand - Empower - Excel (E3)
District Leadership
Dr. Angela S. James, Superintendent
Dr. Sylvia Rose-Brown, Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Virginia Rozier, Assistant Superintendent
Beliefs of Wilkinson County Schools:
- Educators should utilize varied instructional strategies, hands-on learning experiences, and seek professional and personal improvement through continuous learning and shared leadership.
- Collaborative relationships with parents, school, and the community enhance schools’ ability to positively impact student achievement.
- Schools must provide a positive culture where students feel safe and are able to learn to their fullest potential.
- High achievement is the direct result of high expectations.
- The continuous use of data analysis processes is the foundation of informed instructional decision making.
- The school environment should maximize instructional time and eliminate any obstructions to time on task.