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School Food Services

Judy Brown
School Food Services Director
Office Phone: 478.946.5521

Wilkinson County Schools Food & Nutrition Services program is comprised of over 24 employees working in 2 cafeterias. These dedicated employees serve over 1200 breakfasts and lunches each school day. Wilkinson County Schools participate in the USDA's Breakfast and Lunch Programs. 

We are pleased to inform you that the Wilkinson County School District will continue implementing the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs utilizing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for School Year 2024-2025.  All enrolled students of Wilkinson County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household.

According to Federal Guidelines, any previous charges owed for meals will have to be collected. Letters will be mailed and telephone calls will be made concerning the charges. Payments can be made in the cafeterias or in the School Nutrition Office. Questions concerning this matter may be directed to Judy Brown, Nutrition Director at (478) 946-5521 ext. 233.

Request For Proposals