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FY20 Needs Assessment Surveys

Needs Assessment Survey Links


Wilkinson County Schools Needs Assessments and Equity Action Plan are a systematic effort to acquire an accurate, thorough picture of the strengths and areas for improvement of our school community. We will use the responses to address the academic needs of all students for improving student achievement and meeting challenging academic standards. Please assist us by completing a parent and/or community survey. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


1.     FY20 Administrative Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey

2.     FY20 Parent Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey

3.     FY20 Parents Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Surveys (Spanish Version)

4.     FY20 Teacher Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey

5.     FY20 Paraprofessional Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey

6.     FY20 Community Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey

7.     FY20 Community Needs Assessment and Equity Action Plan Survey (Spanish Version)